Advice for New Solopreneurs: 11 Quotes from Successful Business Owners
Diving into the world of solopreneurship? Fuel your journey with wisdom straight from the pros. We've gathered punchy, no-nonsense advice from successful business owners who've been exactly where you are. From overcoming hurdles to embracing the grind, these insights are the real deal for anyone ready to make their mark solo.
Now, let’s get into the advice!
Max DiNatale - Max DiNatale Digital Marketing
Brandon Turner - Reedy River Marketing, LLC
Jessica Berggrun -
Dalton Kilby - Bramble Marketing
Curtis Correll - UpRight Growth Company
Eli Gray -
Lisa Guyaz - Plume Graphic Design
Andrea Cable - Press and Palm
Olivia Jacobus - Books by Liv
Ashleigh Anderson - Ashleigh A Marketing
Francisco Afanador
Learn, research, know, soak yourself, understand the biz part of it. Whatever your craft, you know that well. But the biz part of it if not handled well can break you. Pricing, negotiation, saying no, discerning which clients are not for you (your work is not for everyone).